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Incubate Launches Policy Lab Under New Leadership and Releases IP White Paper

Updated: Jun 12


Washington, DC, April 26, 2024 -- Today, on World Intellectual Property Day, Incubate is excited to launch Incubate Policy Lab under the guidance of senior advisor Kirsten Axelsen. Kirsten brings over two decades of leadership experience in the life sciences industry. Accompanying the launch is a new white paper examining the important role intellectual property protections play in biopharmaceutical development.

"We launched Incubate Policy Lab to explore the various impacts policy decisions can have on innovation and investment in the life sciences industry," said Incubate executive director John Stanford. "The Policy Lab will provide regular updates from the venture capital perspective on the outsized role policy plays in bringing innovative treatments to patients in need."

In the coming months, Incubate Policy Lab -- the research arm of Incubate -- plans to release additional reports and white papers focused on issues at the intersection of policymaking, venture investment, and drug development.

The newest white paper, titled "Intellectual Property for Medicines: Supporting Innovation and Promoting Competition" and penned by Axelsen, explains the various patent protections and regulatory exclusivities available to novel small molecule and biological therapies. The paper also details how a recent policy proposal related to patent licensing agreements between universities and the private sector could weaken the investment climate for the life sciences industry.

"We're delighted to release this new white paper from Incubate Policy Lab," Axelsen said. "We hope this resource and future Policy Lab papers will demonstrate to policymakers the need for informed decision-making that prioritizes both innovation and access."

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